Structural Engineering

Syracuse University Sadler Dining Hall Addition and Renovations

Project Profile


Syracuse University


Syracuse, New York

A summertime construction project involving an addition and complete renovation of an active Syracuse University cafeteria had a very short – and firm – timeframe in which to be completed. This was the case with the Sadler Dining Hall project, completed in August 2013. Far from a standard, rectangular addition, the project included:

  • A concrete deck with a vegetated roof. Barrier-One was used to allow the roof membrane to be installed within two weeks of placement of the concrete;
  • An exposed-aggregate, polished slab-on-grade floor in the cafeteria addition;
  • An irregular, sloped-roof addition with an overbuild section over the existing roof.

Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt provided full structural design services, and also served as the project’s special structural inspector, teaming with CME Associates. Having the engineer serve as inspector (for the concrete and structural steel work, in this case) allows discrepancies to be resolved quickly – frequently right on the jobsite. KHH also served as SWPPP (storm water pollution prevention plan) inspector during the course of construction.



Envelope Systems

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