
Our expanding skill set allows us to offer a variety of services:

  • Structural design of new buildings and additions
  • Structural analysis and design of building renovations
  • Structural design of other structures
  • Analysis, review, and reinforcing of roofs
  • Structural condition assessment and rehabilitation of existing buildings
  • Structural load capacity analysis and load testing
  • Foundation design for new buildings and additions
  • Foundation analysis and reinforcing
  • Design delegation and review of delegated components
  • Parking garage review and rehabilitation
  • Steam vault design and rehabilitation
  • Structural code review of project documents
  • Structural failure and loss reviews
  • Site planning
  • Property analysis for site selection
  • Site plan reviews with municipal planning boards and other governing agencies
  • Planting design
  • Retaining wall design
  • Hydrology studies
  • Loading dock repairs and modifications
  • Erosion and sediment control plans and specifications
  • SWPPP inspections
  • Surface parking lot repairs and improvements
  • Construction sequencing plans
  • Exterior building stair/entry restoration
  • Accessible building entrance design
  • Code compliance reviews for sites (K-12, campuses, sports complexes, commercial, and other facilities
  • Building Enclosure Commissioning (BECx)
  • Infrared thermal imaging of buildings
  • Contemporary masonry façade rehabilitation
  • Historic masonry façade review and rehabilitation
  • Energy code compliance verification and review
  • Concrete placement inspection
  • Steel erection inspection
  • Masonry construction inspection
  • Wood inspection (including roof trusses)
  • Facade inspection
  • Special inspection program administration
  • Forensic investigations and expert witness services
  • Peer review of project documents
  • Conference center and presentation services



Envelope Systems

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