A Season of Gratitude
By Tami Scott | November 2021
With Thanksgiving upon us, I can’t help but share this story about KHH, and the people behind the firm, who have given incredible support to me during a very challenging time.
This year, my youngest son entered the first grade. However, he has yet to experience the excitement of actually starting. The day before school, while other families and their school-age children were gearing up for their big day back, we spent ours at Golisano Children’s Hospital in Syracuse. We had been waiting for an ENT referral so my son could be seen for an unusually large tonsil, but that morning when he told me he didn’t feel well, I refused to hold off any longer.
After undergoing some tests, the attending ENT biopsied his tonsil and we were admitted that evening. The next day I was told the cultures were so far displaying suspicious cells. For the next three days, we anxiously waited for the doctors to determine the exact diagnosis. Three days that in some ways felt like three years. Of course, fear accompanied anxiety on this journey, each vying for my attention and on many occasions successful. However, more often than not, the good pair — peace and strength — prevailed.
My faith has always carried me through the hardest, most difficult times of my life, and I often find, without even looking, what I call Godwinks – a sign, if you will, that I’m where I need to be, that things are unfolding as they should. One of those Godwinks happened the second day we were there. As I walked out of the hospital room, I caught a glimpse of a plaque outside our door. That plaque displayed a dedication: Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt had sponsored the room we were assigned.
Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt. My employer.
What were the chances? There are numerous businesses and firms that have sponsored rooms throughout the hospital. I immediately snapped a picture and sent it via text. “Look at this!” I wrote, excited to share this coincidence at work.
Klepper, Hahn & Hyatt was engaged as the structural engineer of record for the vertical expansion project at Golisano Children’s Hospital in 2000 (you can learn about that project here, if you’d like!).
The presence of that plaque and what it represented was just a slice of the support that would follow as my son was diagnosed with Burkitt lymphoma. KHH has proven to be a firm committed to employees and their families and never once wavered from that notable principle while I juggled a temporary (thankfully) but new normal.
It can easily be assumed and I’m sure quantified that KHH has over the years touched hundreds if not thousands of families without ever personally knowing the impact of their philanthropic endeavor. So on behalf of all those before us, I express our deepest appreciation.
As for my son, he finished his treatment this week, and though we hit a couple of minor bumps along the way, he’s doing wonderfully. This is truly a time to be thankful.
As the holiday season progresses, may you be filled with lots of love, peace, and happiness!